Monday, September 15, 2008

Common Sense

First of all, I'd like to send a shout out to all of my comment homies up in the hood! One of you mentioned that the addition of Sarah Palin has prompted you (as a woman) to get involved in your local government.  Way to go!  The sudden popularity of Gov. Palin has confirmed in my mind something that I have long suspected...  The average American citizen can do a better job running this country than the career politicians in Washington.  Could you imagine what common sense in the White House, Congress, and our court system would do for our nation?  Political elites have long distanced themselves as the "governing class."  My hope is that normal folks around this country will start rising up to answer the call to public service and affect REAL change from the local level - all the way to the Federal level.  I certainly have had the thought of getting involved, myself.

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